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Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in natural and agricultural ecosystems

Nieves Goicoechea Preboste (PI)

Associate Professor
Environmetal Biology Department, Plant Stress Physiology Group, School of Sciences, University of Navarra, Pamplona




+34-948-425600 ext. 806489

Others members

Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea

Associate Professor

María Carmen Antolín Bellver

Associate Professor

Inmaculada Pascual Elizalde

Associate Professor

Johann Martínez-Lüscher (Investigador)


Daria Kozikova

Predoctoral Student

Mohammed Abdullah


Research Lines

• Arbuscular mycorrhizae and their effect on plant development under stress conditions
• Impact of environmental factors associated with climate change on vines and wine
• Resilience of horticultural varieties to factors associated with climate change
• Efficiency in plant water use in the face of climate change factors
• Recovery of organic plant waste

Representative publications (related to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the last 5 years)

  • Kozikova D, Pascual I, Goicoechea N (2024) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the performance of Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon facing water deficit under current and future climatic conditions. Plants 13:1155.
  • Díaz-Urbano M, Goicoechea N, Velasco P, Poveda J (2023) Development of agricultural bio-inoculants based on mycorrhizal fungi and endophytic filamentous fungi: Co-inoculants for improve plant-physiological responses in sustainable agriculture. Biol Control 182:105223
  • Goicoechea N, Torres N, Garmendia I, Hilbert G, Antolín MC (2023) Mycorrhizal symbiosis improve fruit quality in Tempranillo grapevine sensitive to low-moderate warming. Sci Hortic 315:111993.
  • Rashidi S, Yousefi AR, Pouryousef M, Goicoechea N (2022) Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the accumulation of secondary metabolites in roots and reproductive organs of Solanum nigrum, Digitaria sanguinalis and Ipomoea purpurea. Chem Biol Technol Agric 9:23.
  • Rashidi S, Yousefi AR, Pouryousef M, Goicoechea N (2021) Mycorrhizal impact on competitive relationships and yield parameters in Phaseolus vulgaris L. – weed mixtures. Mycorrhiza 31:599-612.
  • Rashidi S, Yousefi AR, Pouryousef M, Goicoechea N (2020) Total phenol, anthocyanin, and terpenoid content, photosynthetic rate, and nutrient uptake of Solanum nigrum and Digitaria sanguinalis L. as affected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation. Weed Biol Manag 20: 95-108.
  • Goicoechea N (2020) Mycorrhizal fungi as bioprotectors of crops against Verticillium wilt- A hypothetical scenario under changing environmental conditions. Plants-Basel 9:
  • Antolín MC, Izurdiaga D, Urmeneta L, Pascual I, Irigoyen JJ, Goicoechea N (2020) Dissimilar responses of ancient grapevines recovered in Navarra (Spain) to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in terms of berry quality. Agronomy-Basel 10:
  • Torres N, Hilbert G, Antolín MC, Goicoechea N (2019) Amino acids and flavonoids profiling in Tempranillo berries can be modulated by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plants-Basel 8:
  • Torres N, Plano D, Antolín MC, Sanmartín C, Domínguez-Fernández M, de Peña MP, Encío I, Goicoechea N (2019) Potential biomedical reuse of vegetative residuals from mycorrhized grapevines subjected to warming. Arch Agron Soil Sci 65:1341-1353.
  • Torres N, Antolín MC, Garmendia I, Goicoechea N (2018) Nutritional properties of Tempranillo grapevine leaves are affected by clonal diversity, mycorrhizal symbiosis and air temperature regime. Plant Physiol Biochem 130: 542-554.
  • Torres N, Zamarreño A, Goicoechea N, Antolín MC (2018) Changes in ABA conjugation/catabolism could account for the effects of AMF inoculation on Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera) fruit quality under climate change scenarios. Plant Sci 274: 383-393.
  • Torres N, Antolín MC, Goicoechea N (2018) Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis as a promising resource for improving berry quality in grapevines under changing environments. Front Plant Sci 9:
  • Torres N, Goicoechea N, Antolín MC (2018) Influence of irrigation strategy and mycorrhizal inoculation on fruit quality in different clones of Tempranillo grown under elevated temperatures. Agric Water Manag 202: 285–298.
  • Bettoni MM, Mogor AF, Pauletti V, Goicoechea N (2017) The interaction between mycorrhizal inoculation, humic acids supply and elevated CO2 in the air increased energetic and antioxidant properties and sweetness of yellow onion. Hort Environ Biotechnol 58: 432-440.
  • Garmendia I, Gogorcena Y, Aranjuelo I, Goicoechea N (2017) Responsiveness of durum wheat to mycorrhizal inoculation under different environmental scenarios. J Plant Growth Regul 36: 855-867.
  • Torres N, Goicoechea N, Morales F, Antolín MC (2016) Berry quality and antioxidant properties in Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo as affected by clonal variability, mycorrhizal inoculation and temperature. Crop Pasture Sci 67: 961-977.
  • Goicoechea N, Bettoni MM, Fuertes-Mendizábal T, González-Murua C, Aranjuelo I (2016) Durum wheat quality traits affected by mycorrhizal inoculation, water availability and atmospheric CO2 Crop Pasture Sci 67: 147-155.
  • Torres N, Goicoechea N, Antolín MC (2015) Antioxidant properties of leaves from different accessions of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv. Tempranillo after applying biotic and/or environmental modulator factors. Ind Crops Prod 76: 77-85.
  • Fabbrin EG, Gogorcena Y, Mogor AF, Garmendia I Goicoechea N (2015) Pearl millet growth and biochemical alterations determined by mycorrhizal inoculation, water availability and atmospheric CO2 Crop Pasture Sci 66: 831-840.


Note: All studies which have included arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have been carried out in the context of the below-mentioned research projects

  • Goicoechea N (IP), Pascual I (coIP) (2021-2025) RHIZOCLIMAVID. Contribución de los microorganismos edáficos beneficiosos a la adaptación de variedades comerciales de vid al cambio climático. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, I-D-i orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad PID2020-118337RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
  • Morales F (IdAB), Pascual I (UNAV). (2020-2022) Implicación de la transpiración y respiración del racimo en la calidad final de la uva de vinificación en un medioambiente cambiante: desarrollo y validación de un nuevo multi-sensor de H2O, CO2 y O2. PC144-145 MULTI-SENSOR. Gobierno de Navarra. Proyectos I+D Colaborativos.
  • Irigoyen JJ, Antolín MC. (2018-2021) CLIMAVID. Adaptación de variedades antiguas de vid (Vitis vinifera) con alto potencial enológico e importante proyección comercial a estreses abióticos asociados al cambio climático. Plan de Investigación Universidad de Navarra (PIUNA).
  • Morales F (IdAB), Pascual I (UNAV) (2018-2019) Desarrollo y validación de un nuevo sensor para la medida de la transpiración en racimos de uva. PT005-006 SENSOR 2. Gobierno de Navarra.
  • Morales F (IdAB), Pascual I (UNAV) (2018) Desarrollo y validación de un nuevo sensor para la medida de la transpiración en racimos de uva. PT035-036 SENSOR. Gobierno de Navarra.
  • Irigoyen JJ (PI) (2015-2018) Influencia de la longitud del ciclo, CO2, temperatura y disponibilidad hídrica en el desequilibrio entre azúcares y antocianinas inducido por el cambio climático en tempranillo. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. AGL2014-56075-C2-1-R.

Relevant methods and facilities

  • Inoculation of AMF under controlled conditions
  • Determination of the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization in roots
  • Measurements of the plant water status
  • Measurements of plant gas exchange (photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration)
  • Analysis of primary (proteins, carbohydrates) and secondary (phenols, anthocyanins) metabolites in plant tissues
  • Measurements related to the antioxidant metabolism in plants
  • Temperature Gradient Greenhouses (TGGs)

Collaborations with other national and international groups

  • Carmen Sanmartín, Daniel Plano (Universidad de Navarra)
  • Mª Paz de Peña (Universidad de Navarra)
  • Fermín Morales, Iker Aranjuelo (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
  • Yolanda Gogorcena (Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, CSIC, Zaragoza)
  • Idoia Garmendia (Universidad de Alicante)
  • Átila F. Mogor (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil)
  • Ghislaine Hilbert (INRA, Université de Bordeaux, France)
  • Ali Reza Yousefi (University of Zanjan, Iran)